Modern Solutions

Hyrcom Projects Development
Management Investment |

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Strong Network


Work with Experts

25 Years of business experience & relationships in 15 Countries,

Combined to DELIVER.

Secured Invesments

Business Models

Building Trust

We only invest in proven profitable business models packed by legality & security.

TurnKey Digital Projects

Maximize Profits

Build Your Dream Tech

Projects Blockchain of your choice awaits your participation, Investments and /OR RUN as you go.

Enjoy Litespeed Returns 🙂

What We Do

Project Management Service

Hyrcom Journey helped and built hundreds of successful projects and ambitious pioneers, we used to call them “Hyperians” 

✔  Projects Digitalization.

✔  Marketing Strategist 

33 %
+ 1
45 k

Digitalize Your Income

Build your Brand in LiteSpeed Technologies, with easy UI/UX to guide your project through Funnel of fame by Achieve Shohra

It`s All Transparent

Get track of all your Realtime profits and detailed info about your accounts in our tailored dashboard.

It`s All Automated

All your Departments (Marketing, Sales, POS, Accounting)

Those are the cores of any successful project, so we enhance them all automatically.

AI is our Guide & HyrBot is our Sales Bot Creator.

It`s All Linked

Avoid distraction, aggregate all your work in one dashboard.

It`s All Connected

Idea or Running Project, Entrepreneur or job seeker, you will find the business model suits your needs 

It`s All Controlled

Robust ERP / CRM infrastructure, harmonize every project aspect to deliver Profit maximization at lowest cost.

Wafa Bejaoui

Mixed use architecture, shopping center.
Chuo, Japan

Boubakr Jaouadi

Mixed use architecture, shopping center.
Chuo, Japan

Imen Bourafi

Mixed use architecture, shopping center.
Chuo, Japan

Amir Ben Ghorbel

Mixed use architecture, shopping center.
Chuo, Japan

Anita Malik

Mixed use architecture, shopping center.
Chuo, Japan


Company Timeline


Monthly Statistics

Man request adapted spirits set pressed. Up to denoting subjects sensible feelings it indulged directly.
We dwelling elegance do shutters appetite yourself diverted.


Choose Your Best Plan


Great For Individual Customers
$ 159 99
Free Hosting
Unlimited Calls
500 MB of Storage Space


Great For Individual Customers
$ 599 99
Free Hosting
Unlimited Calls
500 MB of Storage Space


Great For Individual Customers
$ 399 99
Free Hosting
Unlimited Calls
500 MB of Storage Space


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What Customers Think About Us?

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Powerful Modern Idea

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